To augment enterprise data platforms by delivering timely, reliable, and cost-efficient processing of event data in real time
RisingWave Labs is the developer of RisingWave, a cloud-native stream processing system
/* RisingWave’s mission is to democratize stream processing — to make stream processing simple, affordable, and accessible. */

Yingjun was previously a software engineer at the Redshift team, Amazon Web Services, and a researcher at the Database group, IBM Almaden Research Center.
He received his PhD from the National University of Singapore and was a visiting PhD at Carnegie Mellon University.

The team includes a group of
experienced database researchers
experienced database researchers
RisingWave Labs was founded in early 2021. The team includes a group of experienced database researchers and practitioners previously employed in pioneering companies such as AWS Redshift, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake, LinkedIn, Uber, etc.

Eric is a developer with a strong database background and an interest in various data systems. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University.
</Eric Fu>
chief technology officer

Rayees has a strong background in diversified data access management technologies. He holds Master’s degrees in Computer Science from the University of Memphis and the University of Arizona.
</Rayees Pasha>
chief product officer

Xiangyu (Samuel) serves as General Manager at RisingWave and heads cloud and customer engineering. He holds a Bachelor's degree from Fudan University.
</Samuel Hu>
chief solutions officer